The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33774   Message #452488
Posted By: Micca
30-Apr-01 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: Happy May Day! (May Day Songs)
Subject: RE: Happy May Day!
Ans BBs to one and all and a merry Beltane to all Northern hemisphere folks, and a merry Samhain to those in the Southern Hemisphere, and may "Orion stand on his head for you" Mousethief, the Celtic day ran from sunset to sunset so Beltane started at Sunset tonight..and a fire(symbolic) is lit to carry the power of the sun to sunrise and the belief was the sun won't rise in the morning if the fire is not lit and kept going..They drum and dance up the Sun at Hastings every year on Mayday..some of last years pics can be seen here Click here