The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33774   Message #453109
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
01-May-01 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: Happy May Day! (May Day Songs)
Subject: RE: Happy May Day!
October's a Mary month in the Catholic liturgy as well, Dave.

The shame is that the May Day holiday they brought in a few years back in England isn't on May 1st, it's on the first Monday in May. Bloody silly.

So for example in Standon a few miles from here the Morris Dancers will have been up before dawn to dance for the Puddingstone, but the Village May Day when they close the street and have a good time (with a May Queen)will be on next Monday. (Assuming it's still on, what with the foot and mouth - which has switched our May Day concert on Sunday indoors instead of the Town Park.) (Here's a link about these things.)