The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33774   Message #453423
Posted By: Susan from California
01-May-01 - 09:48 PM
Thread Name: Happy May Day! (May Day Songs)
Subject: RE: Happy May Day!
I celebrated by having my gardening class make May Day baskets for all the teachers at my school, well over 100 flowers altogether. We are a K-8 school, which is unusual for our area, and some of the primary teachers don't like the big kids as much as I do. I try to do help the students do nice things for the little ones to earn us some brownie points. I must admit that I leave out the info about mating and the like....7th & 8th graders :-) are hormonally challenged without any added info, and doing anything was a wee bit risky as several local schools have banned May Day, Hallowe'en etc.....

The big kids enjoyed it!