The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33814   Message #453452
Posted By: kendall
01-May-01 - 10:33 PM
Thread Name: Help: dealing with hecklers
Subject: RE: Help: dealing with hecklers
Generally, it is best to have the management deal with a heckler. However, humor has done it for me on the rare occasions that I've had a heckler. One of my favorite encounters was at a bluegrass festival. Many of the local bluegrass fans like what I do, so, I felt right at home. The sponser asked me to sing a song about a dog, (they love tear jerkers) Well as I was introducing the song, this drunk in the front row yells out "DOG" D.O.G dog. I can spell cat too CAT." I just sat there looking at him. He finally realized that I was staring at him, and I said "Please continue, I cant wait 'til you get to Chrysanthemum." Everyone started to laugh, he left the grounds and was not seen again. As long as the performer has the microphone, he/she has a big advantage. You can make a fool out of anyone. 'Course most of the hecklers dont need much help.