The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33814   Message #453513
Posted By: Deckman
02-May-01 - 12:13 AM
Thread Name: Help: dealing with hecklers
Subject: RE: Help: dealing with hecklers
Great Subject! I watched the late Bob Gibson, back in the late 1950's, practise his routines in the beer halls on 45th street, in Seattle. Here's how he learned to handle hecklers ... it was do or die. His brother would walk into a tavern and unplug the jukebox. All eyes would focus, and then Bob would walk in with his banjo, he knew five chords then, and start singing straight folk songs. Usually the crowd would get unruley, but he was determined to learn how to perform. Years later, I watched his finesse (sp?) in handling hecklers. Believe me, it's a well earned art. The late and great Walt Robertson was an absolute pro at this. As others have mentioned, sometimes you can turn to spotlight on the jerk. CHEERS, Bob (deckman) Nelson