The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33814   Message #453533
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
02-May-01 - 12:53 AM
Thread Name: Help: dealing with hecklers
Subject: RE: Help: dealing with hecklers
I was once that heckler (still have my moments....) but I was never silenced by insults.... Mind you, I don't think I was ever that rude - I tended to send back one liners that everyone enjoyed, and I didn't interrupt the music once it had got past the second line..... In fact, one chap and I had such a thing going, that a visitor thought we were a double act and wanted to book us!!

Hurling insults back doesn't work, although the Boring Old Fart (whose name escapes me but might be Derek Brimstone...) silenced one particular loudmouth (NOT me), with the well worn phrase 'When God gave you teeth, he ruined a bloody fine arsehole'..... Turn the joke back on them. if they are sober, they will get the point and shut up, if they are not, they will start in on you again, and that is when you need to get the club organiser or the licencee to eject them....