The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33847   Message #454307
Posted By: bill\sables
02-May-01 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Extremely Irritating Geordie Jokes
Then there was the Geordie Indian Scout who worked for General Custer just before the Little Big Horn incident. One day Custer said "Geordie git on that thar hoss and ride over them thar hills and see if you can find any Indians"
"All reet sor, am on me way" replied Geordie.
Two days later Geordie rode back into the fort with arrows in his hat and arrows in his saddle saying
"Sor, Sor, Just ower them hills is thoosands and thoosands of Indians"
"What are they a doing" said Custer
"Wey they'r playin drums" said Geordie.
"Are they war drums" asked Custer
"Wey no man, Aa think they're theors"