The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33914   Message #454949
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
03-May-01 - 02:35 PM
Thread Name: A sincere thankyou
Subject: A sincere thankyou
Musing upon all that has passed recently I decided to follow someones advice and start possitive threads to get all the negativity behind us. But what, thought I? Driving back from picking up my son I saw the beautiful May weather and wondered if that could do it. Not on it's own. The May blossom is out, the cherry trees in their pink glory, the whole special thrill of the English contryside in Spring? No. That I had my son with me? That we would celebrate his 20th year on Saturday along with my 28 years of marriage to a wonderful woman? All of this was not enough. Am I getting greedy? Then I realised. All the beauty, all the happiness, all the joy was made even more special because I could share it!

The missing ingredient was friends. My family, my '3D' friends and now all my virtal friends as well:-) I am rich indeed.

So to all the Maxs, Micks and Miccas, the Shulas, Spots and Spaws, The Fionns, Fiolars and Fibulas the multiple Jons of varios spellings, Ricks, Kevins, Keiths and all the rest of you great big motley crew.....

A huge thank you for letting me share my life with you. It is a gift I will cherish forever.


Dave the Gnome.