The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33928   Message #455891
Posted By: Jande
04-May-01 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Favourite Traditions
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite Traditions
Hmmm... Traditions...

Everything in my life has changed in the last year. Mostly for the better!

That said, James and I have been living together since August last year. I'm Canadian, as some of you know (the Orillia faction of the'Cat) and James is originall from Illinois and we are now both living in Upstate New York.

What I have found is that some of our "traditions" are clashing. For example: James has a tradition of going off before Christmas with the kids and chopping down a tree at the treefarm, bringing it into the house an ddecorating it, etc.

My tradition is to drag the bedraggled fake tree (Hey! It looks okay!) out of hiding and decorate it.

We had a loooong talk about it and finally decided to get the *real* tree this past christmas and see how it works out.

Well, it did, and it didn't. I have bad reactions to anything the has menthol-like properties (which is why I have used a fake tree for many years).

We had *enormous* fun getting the tree. But after a few days I got sick and we had to put it outside. (luckily we had gotten indoor/outsoor lights for it!) We could still see it though the sliding glass doors, so that was ok, but it was a bit disappointing, nevertheless.

Our *tradition* looks like from now on we go on the Tree Hunt, put lights on it and decorations and treats for the birds and other wildlife --outside on the deck! And we put up the fake tree inside.

we started another tradition this past Christmas. We bought three sets of shiny unadorned 3"-diameter glass Christmas balls and each decorated one, added the year date, signed them, and hung them on the tree. We had much fun doing it and we turned out three beautiful unique ornaments. Next year we'll add three more.

Another tradition James is used to is a big, and I mean BIG celebration at Thanksgiving. It looked almost like Christmas except for the presents. I felt bewildered at first because in Canada it's not such a big deal that you take off a number of days from work and go visit family. I never did anyway. (And it happens in late November here --waaaay too close to Christmas, rather than in October in Canada) But now it has become an adopted tradition for me, though it feels rather more like a grafted-on tradition... ;`)

He is also BIG on carving pumpkins at Hallowe'en. Now THAT was fun! Got some great pics, too.

One tradition that we shared was having candles lit at the evening meal. There is something very warm and cosy about a well-set table, good food and drink, soft candle-light, and the company of those you love.


Traditions!! ~ Fiddler On The Roof

~ Jande