The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33952   Message #456469
Posted By: M.Ted
05-May-01 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: From Bruce O.
Subject: RE: BS: From Bruce O.
For a long time before the appearance of GUEST#1 there had been vicious and unprovoked attacks on BruceO for simply doing what he did best--I remember at least one instance when the postings in the thread became so odious that the thread was removed from the forum--curious to me is that the person who made those attacks never any criticism, outside of the few of us in the thread who defended BruceO's scholarship--

At any rate, for a long time, even in spite of the assaults, Bruce's comments were restricted to occasional remarks about the fact that it was his belief that the forum should only be concerned with traditional music--certainly he was entitled to have and express his opinion, without being labelled "INTOLERABLE"--If the static got to be too much, and he finally fell to the level of his many detractors, he would not be the first here to have done so...