The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7553   Message #45686
Posted By: Barbara
16-Nov-98 - 07:10 PM
Thread Name: Tune Add: The Muckin' o' Geordie's Byre
Subject: RE: MUS ADD: Muckin O' Geordie's Byre
Y'know, John, a while back we had a thread on a song called 'Shit, I've Forgotten the Words' and someone posted that the tune was 'The Muckin' o' Geordie's Byre' so I looked for that in DT by searching "muckin*", and just like you found, there was no tune for 'Geordie's Byre'.
However, 'Westering Home' came up, too, and it said there there WAS a tune for it, a tune called The Muckin' o' Geordie's Byre'.
I haven't checked yet to see if yours is the same.
Sometimes DT is a little labrynthine, but if you wander a little you may save yourself some typing.