The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34032   Message #456985
Posted By: Ruthie A
07-May-01 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: The Folk Image
Subject: The Folk Image
Emily-O (aka Alicia Teacup) posted in another thread how much she hates Britey Spears. It started me off on a very long rant which originated at the local folk club last night. It was quite a lot off-topic, so I've created another thread about it. The Folk Image. I've been the laughing stock of my yeargroup at school ever since I announced in an English presentation about my hobbies that I love folk music. In the eyes of my friends, the second people qualify to be classified under the heading of 'Folkie' (which I personally consider to be quite an honour), they have their sense of humour removed with a hook through their nose, suddenly and mysteriously become devoid of all personality and are doomed to sing outdated songs with nonsensical choruses to the world in general for all eternity. Folk music, as we all know, has a thriving culture associated with it. Folkies are united by a common passion for music, but many other things are relevant to this strange cult. One of the greatest things, I reckon, is the way true musicianship is valued above age, sex, clothes brand, physical appearance and the general 'cool' factor. I'm fairly tolerant of most music forms (I've been taught that it's stupid to close yourself off from any particular genre of music at the grand old age of 13), but I think that folk music is one of the few genres remaining that is still completely equal-opportunities and open to all. And we should make an effort to make sure it stays this way. Hands up all those in agreement.


(sorry for ranting, i needed to get it out of my system!)