The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34040   Message #457124
Posted By: Tedham Porterhouse
07-May-01 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: Help: MAPL on my CDs???
Subject: RE: Help: MAPL on my CDs???
MAPL defines Canadian content for Canadian radio stations.

M = "music" composed by a Canadian

A = "artist" is Canadian

P = "production" was recorded in Canada

L - "lyrics" were written by a Canadian

To qualify as Canadian content, a song has to meet any two of the four criteria.

Thus, if I record a Gordon Lightfoot song, it qualifies because it'll be ML.

However, if Gordon records one of my songs at a studio in Boston, it will not be Canadian content because it's just A. But if Gordon recorded my song at a studio in Toronto, it would be Canadian content because it would be AP.

An exception, for anything recorded before 1970, a song only needs to meet one of the four criteria to qualify.