The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34039   Message #457184
Posted By: Eric the Viking
07-May-01 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Falling out of toilets
Subject: RE: BS: Falling out of toilets
Mrs Duck ties to fly? Hope you are ok! Cobble of course did it with style (not that you might not have)

It was about 05.30 or so. The boat was sailing gently along on her course, the captain proudly steering and the crew resting in their bunks. Cobble ventures off his top bunk and goes to the loo. Some moments later, after some undescribable sounds, the door flies open and Cobble propels himself backwards and downwards onto the floor of the cabin. "I hate that ********** step", he says, his face contorted with beer. Climbing back into his bunk, less than a few seconds pass before the snoring starts again. And there you have it-the truth. Although, everyone registered their concern, Bill snored loudly, Skipjack farted, and I being the kind soul that I am laughed and went back to sleep.(he was ok really)It did however cause him to sleep until we docked and then the rush began to be ready and off the boat.