The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33952   Message #457256
Posted By: Big Mick
07-May-01 - 03:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: From Bruce O.
Subject: RE: BS: From Bruce O.
Momentarily, that is the biggest load of shite yet. I have left the Mudcat because it wasn't serving my needs at the moment, or I just had other things to do. I have gotten emails wondering where I was. I have also gotten, since the start of this thread, no fewer than 15 emails from people indicating to me that they felt that this is a bunch of crap, as was the treatment of two of our finest members. And when I decided to not hang out here for a bit in order to refresh myself, I did it without fanfare. So coming back was easy. If one truly understands this place, then they don't try to mold it, rather they just enjoy/or not enjoy it as it is. And if one cares about it, as I and many others do, then they don't take actions that hurt the place. Like some great "leaving" thread, as if that would make any difference.

I will say it again. Bruce's scholarship will be missed. He is a wonderful resource. Fortunately that is still available elsewhere. His obsessive need to change this place into something that it isn't won't be missed at all. And if his past actions are any measure, he will still monitor the place, probably post under an alias, and eventually return. I only hope that in the meantime he re-examines his motives in attacking persons instead of issues.
