The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34058   Message #457476
Posted By: katlaughing
07-May-01 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: NonMusic - for little Bella & fmaily
Subject: NonMusic - for little Bella & fmaily
Please Mudcatters, it is almost more than I can bear. I need your help for a family in need and my daughter.

My daughter just called. Her close friend's little 5 year old girl, little Bella aka Bellie has drowned while away for the weekend with her grandparents, her mother's parents; the only grandparents and parent she ever knew.

She was a wise little girl, an old soul, some of us say, who counseled and scolded her young mother that she needed to spend more time with her, her daughter, than with her social outings. The grandmother and mother used Bella as a pawn in a never-ending tug-of-war of "you shoulds" and "you don'ts." There are going to be some really tough times ahead for this family.

My daughter was so close to Bella, giving her as much love and attention as she could in her time off from work. Her heart is broken, at the moment, while she is with her friend, grieving and in shock. Little Bella even had my old chest of drawers which her grandma had refinished for her.

My daughter and I both feel there are some lessons this little soul came to teach. We both give thanks that in time, the family will realise this. We also give thanks that Bella knows she was loved and is at peace.

To paraphrase a favourite song, "How can I keep from crying...."

Thanks for listening, it helps. If you have kids, please hug them and keep them as safe as can be.
