The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34011   Message #457948
Posted By: M.Ted
08-May-01 - 12:37 PM
Thread Name: Predictable Chord patterns
Subject: RE: Predictable Chord patterns
Was I right? That I-6-2-5 business did start a conflict!

Mousethief(or Alex, what *are* we supposed to call you?) GaryT is on the money with his explanation--in my words--in a diatonic scale, the II chord (or supertonic), the VI (submediant) and the III(mediant) are all minors--and need no further clarification--if it is a circle of fifths, basically what is happening is that you are changing the key--how did we distinguish? We would simply call"circle of fifths, or even just say "One out" for D7(because it was one fifth out of the key of C, assuming that we started in C), "Two out" for A7(second fifth out of the key) or "Three out" for E7--

The 1-6-2-5 thing generally doesn't even have to be called--if there is one measure of C, then one measure of G7, is is generally assumed that you should stick the Am/C6, and the Dm7/F6 in (there is the answer to your question about the II and the VI, Alex!)--this is even done when they don't really fit--

Here is your quiz question for the day--if I were to play the Melody to "Blue Moon" over just *one* chord(and I have been known to do that), what one could it be, and why?