The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33996   Message #458119
Posted By: Eric the Viking
08-May-01 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: News from the Germany Mudgathering!
Subject: RE: News from the Germany Mudgathering!
I hope this works, no offence meant, and I never said I was any good at poetry or things.

The Ballad of Muenster.

(Roughly to the tune of "Dick Darby".)

We set sail in fine spring time evening.
Though late, we got there in time.
And the cars were packed with belongings.
Of seven, but we could have squeezed nine.

A woman with ankles so pretty,
you could see them, her trousers were short.
Held us up for another five minutes,
for she had control of that port

We sat in the bar all relaxing,
and laughing and talking with glee.
Then somebody said, "I feel seasick."
For the ship had started to sea.

A peaceful and quite easy passage,
no gales, but ales did flow.
Then Skipjack, (for he is quite clever).
Said ,"people I've blagged you a show".

We sat near the old grand piano.
Playing and singing our songs.
We emptied the bar in ten minutes.
I knew it wouldn't take long.

There was noise and a loud cacophony,
and somebody bought us a round.
He said, "can you sing the, "wild rover?"
So we did and we charged him a pound.

As the dawn came up we were still singing,
though some few had turned into bed.
At five thirty I was awoken,
by Cobble banging his head.

With Skipjack, his eyes like red sunsets.
And Bill still needing his tea,
we drove like we were greased lightening,
but we stopped 'cos we needed a wee

Two drinks and a hot toasted sandwich.
Took over an hour to arrive.
We sat there already quite knackered,
with plenty more miles to drive.

Now pat had a bad nervous breakdown,
though we hadn't gone far.
Her feet up and down, like tap dancing.
Every time Bill got quite near a car.

At last we landed in Muenster.
And met Wolfgang and his charming fam'ly.
Old and new friends all gathered,
and thought what fun that this time will be.

There was Wolfgang and Susan and Letty.
The Mcmoo's and giant Mudguard.
There was bodies and 'struments all over.
Between us we left one square yard. (Not metric!)

We walked round the old town of Muenster.
Some old ones now feeling their age.
On the church there were cures for poor playing,
they still hung you up in a cage.

We went to a local bistro place.
To play and eat up our tea.
Said someone, "you'll be here 'till doomsday".
We found out how right it would be.

There was Bill with banjo and Mcmoo
Who played a real mean guitar.
And Susan's real broad Scottish accent,
though we knew that she hadn't come far.

We played and we sung all the evening.
Stopping for something to eat.
That had been ordered a few hours earlier,
It was veggie, they'd run out of meat.

Now Ranks plays a real loud accordion.
A voice like an angel, Noreen.
And Letty she fiddles for Ireland.
And Bron she plays like a queen.

So off we went all ways, and homeward.
To hotels, and flats and to drink.
Talking orgasms and things like third nipples,
and toes that aren't sexy but stink.

Sunday morning arrived with a headache,
some people wanting to die.
But breakfast was really delicious.
Mein Gott, how the time had passed by.

For dinner we eat like Westphalians,
a massive assortment of food.
With coffee and beer and with water,
and everyone thought it was good.

So homeward we set on our journey,
hugging and saying goodbye.
And saying that we'd meet up sometime,
when another year has gone by.

Noreen drove the Alfa Romeo.
Like Schumakker off down the track.
We took another route quicker,
beat them by an hour or more back.

We sat like a bunch of teenagers,
Laughing, and in cyber space
Putting rubbish and really daft info
And watching the smile on Skip's face.

A first for the Mudcat café bunch.
A first time for Europe indeed.
A pimply youth couldn't hack it,
So he laughed at us all 'till he wee'd.

The boat she was new and real pretty.
We sat in the bar and we played.
One woman said, " sack 'im 'on't piano".
A drunk man said "you're IRA".

About two thirty we finished,
for we were all knackered you see.
The days had flashed by in an instant,
in Muesnter for six more and me.

I know that it's long and quite boring,
I've left out the juiciest bits,
About ******* and ******* and ********.
For those stories will have you in fits.

I hope the line separation works, if not some one clever might please split every 4 lines up, so it still makes a bit of sense.

Today has been dull and boring, flat though busy. I've done this instead of my school work and pehaps the punctuation is a bit crap, but I still have boat lag!

Perhaps there could be a groundhog day (like the film).

That could be heaven or hell depending on your point of view.

