The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33706   Message #458177
Posted By: RoyH (Burl)
08-May-01 - 04:12 PM
Thread Name: Mick Tems, Calennig
Subject: RE: Mick Tems, Calennig
I had a stroke in 1993 that affected me in much the same way as Mick appears to be, though perhaps less severely. Folk Friends were regulars at the hospital and talked to me even though I couldn't answer very well. I knew what they were doing and appreciated and was heartened by it. They also bought tapes and a Walkman, that helped too. Now I'm fully recovered but for a couple of side effects that don't bother me too much. I came through with the help of friends, and my wife of course,and we friends of Mick can help him in the same way. Flood him with cards and leters, and, S.Wales folkies, when Mick gets to hospital in Cardiff make sure he gets loads of visitors. Hang in there Mick. All the best to you too Pat. Love from Roy & Elaine.