The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34091   Message #458195
Posted By: catspaw49
08-May-01 - 04:43 PM
Thread Name: cedar top guitars
Subject: RE: cedar top guitars
Okay Kendall........It's very similar in almost every respect to Cedar, especially as to dimensional stability. It's also pretty well considered to be rot resistant. Instruments use a coastal redwood by the way, not the big mohunkers. Actually very little of the big mohunkers is used for anything because it tends to split when the tree falls owing to the size of the tree!!! Redwood also works well for backs although it is a bit of problem in sides as it is a bit difficult to bend....not impossible, just one of the woods that will split under the force of bending, even when done properly. Again, it makes good back material as well as being comparable to Cedar for soundboards.
