The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34032   Message #458275
Posted By: Jim the Bart
08-May-01 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: The Folk Image
Subject: RE: The Folk Image
Man, my computer is freaking out. I was going to delete the last post and it got submitted instead.

For society to stay strong, it needs to constantly replenish it's supply of individuals. What if Woody Guthrie had decided he'd rather just be another mill hand? What if Elvis only wanted the security of his job delivering electrical supplies? What if John Lennon got a nice flat with Pricilla and was satisfied designing adverts for the Sunday post?

We are seeing the birth of one big homogenous world-wide culture - dressed in Levis jeans, listening to Brittney Spears, eating MacDonald's fries & drinking Starbucks coffee. More than ever we need people who will stand up and scream "WHAT ELSE HAVE YOU GOT?"