The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33968   Message #458552
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
09-May-01 - 06:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: What if Mudcat...........
Subject: RE: BS: What if Mudcat...........
Interesting, gervase -- how about a long ocean cruise as a metaphor (Peter T)

It's highly unlikely that we'll fire up our browsers one morning and find that the Mudcat isn't there. (Gervase)

Right now there are two threads about the Titanic...

"Pissing on people's chips" - what a nasty image, Gervase - I hope it's gambling it refers to and not cuisine.

If the Mudcat ever goes bottom up, something will come along that will fill some of the gap. But I hope that's a long time off, because I can't see the peculiar chemistry of this place coming together again in a hurry. As Joe Offer said, the chances of the kind of people who can do the necessary behind-the-scenes fiddling about being the kind of people who will want to do that stuff are not that great.

I suppose some of the nastiness we get at times actually comes out of people recognising that the Mudcat is something to be cherished, but they go about defending it in the wrong way, in a way that damages and endangers it. It's an old story that's happened many many times in the big world.