The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34091   Message #458802
Posted By: catspaw49
09-May-01 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: cedar top guitars
Subject: RE: cedar top guitars
Regarding cracking........In theory, the similarities in spruce and cedar would tell you that cedar should be no more prone to cracking than spruce. Most tonewoods, including ones used in backs and sides are woods that are high in resistance to splitting. White oak for instance has a good taptone but it cracks very easily and is never used. The one factor that makes cedar attractive though may also result in cracking and that is the dimensional stability I mentioned earlier. You run into the same problem in of dissimilar materials which are not as compatible. That is to say that heating/cooling and moisture content (in the case of woods) means that as the various changing patterns of hot and cold and wet and dry occur, the more different characteristics of the wood might cause cracking in one that is more stable.

BTW, has anyone seen the shaker gizmo they're selling to help age your guitar? You mount your ax in it and it sets up a vibration similar to what it gets when played. Actually it makes sense, but it's kinda' humorous too. I mean if it DOES work, packing your guitar around with you on your Harley oughta' help. And if you have an older Brit bike like a Beezer or Triumph, you oughta' be able to age the livin' hell out of it in no time at all!!!!
