The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7556   Message #45899
Posted By: northfolk
17-Nov-98 - 11:40 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: In Tall Buildings (John Hartford)
Subject: RE: John Hartford's song
Friends, I experienced the trip aboard the Julia Belle Swain, to Galena and back, and got to say that it was " an experience" that would have been more enjoyable had John or Art or almost anybody been aboard, to drown the drone of the jetski's on the river with real music. Recently do-si-do'd at a hartford performance in northern Michigan. Truly memorable event, where the performer and the audience really came together and made the sum greater than the total of the parts...Told John and I'll share with you all, my dad and uncle built the only paddle wheel boat to have sunk in Michigan. (it sank thirty years and much neglect after they built it) so NO blame must accrue!!!neither should we blame the crew.