The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34228   Message #460677
Posted By: Justa Picker
11-May-01 - 05:17 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Theme Song??
Subject: Mudcat Theme Song??
I've been working on this tune (original composition) for a while and it's gone through various metamorphoses for a while as I continue to re-work it. Still working on a flashy ending for it, so for now, the latest recorded version is a cop-out fade-out ending.

I give you all "The Mudcat Rag".
(Apologies to the "traddies" but it's an instrumental with no lyrics or vocals.)

You can find it here by scrolling down the page. It's in MP3 format and you'll need some sort of an MP3 player on your computer to download and play it.

I hope it's worthy for consideration should there ever be an "official" Mudcat theme song.