The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33999   Message #461018
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
12-May-01 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: PORTLAND,ME Chanty Sing 2.5
Subject: RE: PORTLAND,ME Chanty Sing 2.5
While playing some chanteys on the tinwhistle at Mom's retirement community last week, was approached by a nice couple who expressed their appreciation, and allowed as how they had every album that Gordon Bok had released, and were disapointed that they had neither seen nor heard of him for the past few years. Suggesting that if they showed up with a case of Guinness at the appointed place they would likely be recieved with open arms (and tankards) and perhaps be in for a pleasant surprise. It was also requested that they keep it to themselves, as we're not really looking for an audience per se. I also notified the Middlesex County Volunteer Fife & Drum out of Newton, MA as many of them are "kindred spirits" of the old music and maritime tradition. So far I have not heard back from any. Another aspiring "Folkie" from South Portland might show up, and I will try to wheedle at least a couple of my fellow 3rd Mainer Field Musicians to come with fife and drum. We do a rousing rendition of "Sailor's Hornpipe" and "Whup Jamboree" which you may not have heard before. There was some discussion about "chanteys" not being sung aboard military vessels; correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they use fife & drum to communicate orders on deck? I'd be interested in some of the Naval beats and calls if anyone knows were they may be obtained.