The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34244   Message #461594
Posted By: Helen
13-May-01 - 06:38 PM
Thread Name: OBIT: Douglas Adams has died
Subject: RE: Douglas Adams has died
BTW, did any of you see the similarity to Mudcat in what Douglas Adams wrote on the H2G2 site about collaborative internet communities?

"I really didn't foresee the Internet. But then, neither did the computer industry. Not that that tells us very much of course - the computer industry didn't even foresee that the century was going to end.

"But I did have the inkling of an idea that a collaborative guide, one that was written and kept up to date by the people who used it, in real time, might be a neat idea. I just didn't really realise that such a thing might be possible in my lifetime or how powerful such a thing might be.

"We're gradually beginning to get some tiny, tiny inkling of how powerful a networked community sharing information really could become."
