The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33706   Message #461809
Posted By: GUEST,Andy Jackson
14-May-01 - 04:20 AM
Thread Name: Mick Tems, Calennig
Subject: RE: Mick Tems, Calennig
Wow !! I've just read all these messages, thanks a million I will print them and get them to Pattie as soon as poss. She has been a bit tied up lately and we still have to get her computer skills up and running ! **************** Following on from my last up date - please visit Mick. He is in the Gainsborough Wing of Colchester Hospital. This is over two hundred miles from home and the many friends who would otherwise visit daily. Having seen the enormous improvement from just a few hours of music it would be wonderful for Mick to have more musical visits. It looks like he may be there for some time yet, so if anyone out there who knows Mick is playing anywhere nearby, please just give the hospital a ring and pop in and see him. Be prepared to play a few short tunes as the ward staff are very encouraging, and it really is just what Mick needs. Thanks , Andy Check the Folk Wales site for latest news