The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34080   Message #462009
14-May-01 - 12:08 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Blood Red Roses (what's it mean?)
Subject: RE: Blood Red Roses
Shields Folk

No I don't know how 19th century folk felt when their loved ones went to sea. But, I am no replica of anything. I do the job, as much as any "old timer chanteyman" ever did. There isn't as much danger in sailing as there once was, we have diesel auxiliaries, great radio communication, accurate(?)weather forecasting, etc, but that does not detract from my qualification as a chanteyman. Why don't you do as I did, learn how to sail, if possible, on a large seagoing vessel, get enough experience to be in charge of whatever operation you're engaged in and use chanteys in their practical (as opposed to entertaining) application. Then you'll be a chanteyman, and not a replica. The learning how is as much fun as the doing, so what's keeping you? Just ask anyone in Newport Rhode Island that knows me and they will assure you that I'm a one of a kind ME.

I'm going to modify a statement I made previously. While I don't care where the lyrics of any chantey, I use, come from, I' think it is very important to acknowledge where the entire IDEA of using music as a tool came from. I'm going to start a new thread right after I submit this one. I truly hope that it sparks some lively discussion, but, please, let's keep it civil.