The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34287   Message #462212
Posted By: Little Hawk
14-May-01 - 04:22 PM
Thread Name: Tarzan comics & 'Ape-English' memories..
Subject: RE: Tarzan comics & 'Ape-English' memories..
Yes, I remember Bomba the Jungle Boy. It was really truly atonishingly bad. I don't think anyone could write a worse jungle adventure series if they honestly tried to. Bomba also had a hapless black native boy who pal'ed around with him and was always needing to be rescued, but I cannot recall his name at the moment. I suspect that the Anacondas actually had a union contract which guaranteed them X number of scenes per book. Bomba was what McDonalds would come up with if they marketed jungle stories instead of burgers. YECH!

Happy reading, Peter! And may you dream of Deja Thoris...

- LH