The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34222   Message #462221
Posted By: Art Thieme
14-May-01 - 04:34 PM
Thread Name: John Hartford - Update
Subject: RE: John Hartford - Update
John had a cancer removed from his neck back in the early 90's I think it was--maybe late '80s. His eating of garlic and other things sort of endeared (!?) him to many of us then. He seemed to've beaten the damn thing--but it returned. The diagnosis I heard was bone cancer. John was tired from the chemo as well as the cancer. He never quit his music though. Actually, it has kept him going I'm pretty damn sure. He travelled in his bus with a band in recent months and didn't dance hardly at all. Having the band on stage with him helped to ease the load. And then things got worse.

Man, it hurts to write this...
