The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34287   Message #462227
Posted By: Little Hawk
14-May-01 - 04:38 PM
Thread Name: Tarzan comics & 'Ape-English' memories..
Subject: RE: Tarzan comics & 'Ape-English' memories..
LEJ - nice description of some of the essential elements of the Tarzan movies. Jane was an utter ditz in the movies...the most quintessential dumb blonde of all time. One wonders what the apeman saw in her, but he had led a rather sheltered life, after all, and he did seem to enjoy rescuing people. With a partner like Jane that would be a job that was never finished, I suspect. Those poor crocodiles, lions, etc. were just trying to improve the human gene pool...

Jane in the comics was a far more mature woman, as I recall, and took to wearing some pretty classic African garb. She looked well adapted to life in Africa.

Jane in the books was a bit more like the movie version, always in need of rescuing, really good at screaming and not much else.

The one movie Jane who had some maturity and intelligence was in (again) Greystoke...well, and also in Disney's recent animated flim which was pretty good, actually.

- LH