The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34356   Message #462795
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
15-May-01 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: Total BS: Hijacked words.
Subject: Total BS: Hijacked words.
I just read something I find quite amusing. It probably links to the 'Lyric drift' discussion we had in that there are some words we should no longer use. Anyhow. general drift is a firm of solicitors have put ads in gents and ladies loo's/washrooms/bogs(insert your own expresion.) They are selling their expertise in divorce litigation. The ones in the gents say "Ditch the bitch" and the ones in the ladies say "All men are bastards". A spokesperson for a womens rights group has said "We object to both these adverts, but the use of the word 'bitch' has more negative connotations than 'bastard'."

Now I am not commenting on the ads, or the firm who placed them or the rights and wrongs but am I alone in thinking we now have another word we cannot use in songs?

Heaven help anyone who feels the need to sing a fox hunting song containing the line 'My gay black bitch had Reynard by the head' I think I'll have to go and write one;-)


Dave the Gnome