The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34326   Message #463012
Posted By: GUEST,Can't help but wonder
15-May-01 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: seeking funny I.R.A. Songs
Subject: RE: seeking funny I.R.A. Songs
Noreen, you remind me of a woman in a Government office in Dublin in the 50's. She got excited when I spelled my name in the short form. It was as if the world would end. Well it didn't.

If any should be complaining here it would be me or some of the other Ex Pats ( sorry about that one ) in the USA or OZ etc. In my case I could not bear the confict between those I knew and valued, even friends. It is over OK the people TG have voted. I applaud their humanity and courage. One could go on for ever about the loss of a good life - I certianly had one - but what would that achieve?

I recall meeting a fellow in the UK who at the time was an unwilling and recent emigrant from the North. I found out from the locals both sides had promised him an early ticket to the here-after because he would not join either. The man was constantly drinking, can we blame him?.

I never did bother to find out which religion he was, we never thought that relevant in the Uk.

It is time to let it go! This thread does not offend me, I see it as the inevitable laughter after years of tension and war. It is badly needed.