The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34326   Message #463131
Posted By: InOBU
15-May-01 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: seeking funny I.R.A. Songs
Subject: RE: seeking funny I.R.A. Songs
The sad thing, is we workers are hurling invective at each other, while the plutocrat bastards who created the cold war, which was the engine for the war in Ireland, as well as so many other places, are laughing so hard the champaine is coming out their noses. Let's wise up and have a truth and reconcillation process. We are all the pig in the middle - not just the fellas in uniform.
Any wonder why England suddunly felt it could talk with the IRA, the same year that the Soviet Union went under, and Irland cast aside it's nuetrality and allowed nato to refuel during the Gulf War? Big nations like the US and England don't fight little nations just for fuck's-sake, they do it for big rotten reasons, and if we get blinded by the politic of the last outrage, we loose, they win.
SO in that light, I continue to put a hand out to any on either side, who will sit down and talk, honestly and openly.