The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2549   Message #46391
Posted By: Helen
21-Nov-98 - 05:29 PM
Thread Name: Article on the dangers of sessions
Subject: RE: Article on the dangers of sessions

I'll have to consider carefully about whether to print the article off to show to our session group. I *think* they have a sense of humour, so I'll probably do it.

But, where are the harp players?? I can identify with the bit about having to carry a heavy instrument around (accordions) but usually the jokes about harpers are that they take 95% of the time tuning up, and only 5% playing - usually out of tune. Maybe harp players have crook (Oz term for sick or busted) backs and necks, and nervous twitches from hearing so many out of tune strings in the middle of a piece of music.
