'make' copies? sure...I 'make' copies of records THAT I OWN all the time...but I would not give them to people who could get them by going to the store. I HAVE made copies of a very few out of print things for friends...and I have taped stuff in order to learn songs...but when I was able to find the originals, I **bought** them. The very first time I met Sandy Paton, I told him I had had some tapes of some Folk-Legacy records for several years, and before that 'look' on his face could develop into a glare *grin*, I proceeded to buy the records from him on the spot.........a LOT of this goes on, and always will, but if you never NEED to see an original, it sure gets tempting.(and seriously, folks, I am awfully glad my major interest is in trad folk, where taste and whim and fad don't change every 20 minutes..I can see how expensive it CAN be to keep up with the latest pop/rock stuff!)