The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34356   Message #464165
Posted By: Matt Woodbury/Mimosa
16-May-01 - 05:55 PM
Thread Name: Total BS: Hijacked words.
Subject: RE: Total BS: Hijacked words.
Just a note on the gay usage, sometimes we do this silly thing where we refer to people by the opposite of their anatomical gender, so then "bitch" has all the same connotations it can have when used referring to a woman.

If I use it with my friends, it might be considered cute and teasing, with a stranger, it's still rude, sexist, and condescending.

It looks to me like the ads are deliberately designed to create dissent, which is what lawyers make money from. Maybe we should stop calling them lawyers and call them strifemongers instead?

I have friends in the legal profession who are really decent people, BTW.
