The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33924   Message #465025
Posted By: Mrs.Duck
17-May-01 - 05:16 PM
Beer money
Suitable carry out vessel for beer to ceilidh
Torch for late night excursions
Tombola prizes
scarves and skirt for belly dancing
where the toilet is
your name
The words

Most people are arriving tomorrow evening with one or two more coming on Saturday. The programme very elastic but I am hoping things will get underway properly by about nine with a general music session in one room and a carrotoke in another(basically a singaround with added vitamins). Of course that doesn't mean you have to wait until nine but I thought folk might need a bit of time for erections etc.
Saturday morning breakfast will be available from about 9.30 - 10.30. Please tell Val if you want to order.
The belly dancing workshop will be in the marquee sometime around middayish depending on when Patrish is ready.
The custard workshop will hopefully be mid afternoon outside somewhere as it can be messy!!
At some time during the afternoon there will be Morris dancing by Terpsichore (Northwest) and Castleford Longsword
There will be a barbeque around fiveish (£5 per head) which gives you time to get ready for the ceilidh at 7pm until 10pm which will feature the wonderful Mudcat scratch band and a solo jig performed by the Duck himself!
Then its all back down the pub!!!
Singing and playing will go on all day as and when you want.
Sunday breakfasts will be available from about ten and again should be ordered from Val. There is a Sunday market close by which you may wish to visit or simply carry on singing and playing!!
The Parting Glass singaround will start at around 12.30 but noone needs to hurry off.
All of the above is subject to change at the drop of a hat and the whim of the masses. Its your weekend! Have fun!