The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33996   Message #465091
Posted By: MudGuard
17-May-01 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: News from the Germany Mudgathering!
Subject: RE: News from the Germany Mudgathering!
First, a big thank you to Wolfgang for organizing all this!

Second, a big thank you to all who came for many nice talks, great tunes and great songs!

Thanks, Bill, for the nice badge - it has a place of honour in a most prominent place in my living room!

Myself had some bad experiences during the bike tour I started from Münster. Btw, sorry, Mr. and Lady McMoo, Brussels would have been a bit far off my planned track).

In the youth hostel in Gent (Belgium) my money was stolen from my purse at night (coins, credit card and banking card remained there).

A few days later, when I was just about to leave Calais, I talked to a Frenchmen while one Neo-Nazi was listening. He must have noticed from my bad French that I am not French, and he whistled for his friends who attacked me with baseball bats - luckily only one stroke hit me, and it hit me only lightly, just a little hematome on my left arm - I was able to flee on my bike into the safety of a group of police officers.

Still, I did not like the experience and decided to break off the tour - I did not want to stay in a country where I am in the permanent danger of serious attacks... (there were some other factors that made me go home as well, e.g. my tooth started to hurt once again...)

Now, back to the Münster Gathering, which was a much better experience! I loved meeting all of you MudCatters (and Petra and little Sophie as well!)

During the evening I had written a verse (btw, great one, Eric!) about our weird moments with the service and bill in the restaurant, later I added a verse or two. Here it goes (tune should be obvious):
In Münster's fair city

In Münster's fair city
I saw a sight that was pretty,
I first set my eyes on Mudcatters galore,
As they sang more than one song
With no single chord wrong,
List'ning was a big joy,
A very big joy.

In Münster's fair city
I met Wolfgang and Letty,
I first saw Susanne and Evi and Ranks,
Patricia and Richard, called McMoo,
Noreen, Bill and Patrish I saw too,
Eric and Cobble and Greg
And Bron once again.

In Münster's fair city
Where the service is shitty,
I first set my eyes on a landlord so bad.
What we ordered, came never,
What we got, took forever,
He cried pay it without bill,
And pay it right now.

In Münster's fair city
Where Wolfgang lives in a flat-ee
We had very much fun there and at the pub
Well organized was the meeting
Though the Italian tried cheating,
Thanks to Wolfgang and Susan
For sorting him out.

MudGuard (Andreas)