The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33706   Message #465158
Posted By: Mr Red
17-May-01 - 09:29 PM
Thread Name: Mick Tems, Calennig
Subject: RE: Mick Tems, Calennig
Being between jobs and with relatives over that way allowed me to holiday in Colchester. First night Mick was attempting conversation but maybe the day's efforts had tired him but he laughed when the words didn't materialise. He drew a picture for me of two melodeons and signed each one.
The next day his mother was visiting which she is able to do every day. He had a go on the red bodhran - Horses Brawl, Speed the Plough and Winster Gallop. The ward orderlies report that he is encouraged to play the melodeon in therapy sessions but they cited insurance and nusiance as reasons not to permit an airing on the ward. He did sing along with his own choruses while listening to a CD. I rang Andy Caven looking for a session (none on Wednesdays nearby) and he will try to pop in. It is this kind of stimulous of familiar faces that he needs, we can all chip in with encouragement and some of it will spark improvements. Mick was more lucid on day two and fed himself with fork and spoon, from what Andy posted this sounds like progress to me. Mick indicated (named the Hospital) he was hopeful of a move back to Wales, the ward staff reported it would depend on available NHS beds and consultants (!!!***!).