The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34441   Message #465532
Posted By: Gervase
18-May-01 - 10:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should live eels be kept in the fridge?
Subject: RE: BS: Should live eels be kept in the fridge?
Aargh, Chance, don't remind me (or my nether parts) of drinking that chilli oil!
Hessian, I suppose, would be burlap on your side of the pond, or a gunny (sp?) sack. And three-ply wool is what you granny used to knit those scratchy and shapeless sweaters from (at least she did if she was anything like my granny. I swear her knitting patterns were designed for orang-utangs, the sleeves were so long. I'd have to roll them up four times, so the cuffs looked liked those trainer-bands for swimming toddlers).
And babbing is what you do with the hairy wool and the worms in the dyke (I think it's a Suffolk word - leastaways I don't hear it used much in the middle of London!).