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Thread #34457   Message #465790
Posted By: hesperis
18-May-01 - 03:53 PM
Thread Name: Bomba the Jungle Boy - ARCHIVE!!!
Subject: RE: Bomba the Jungle Boy - ARCHIVE!!!

"Choose Your Own venture Series: Put Eels Up My Ass" was one of my all-time favorites!

It starts out with a boy (the protagonist is always a boy in "Choose Your Own Adventure" the only thing I didn't like, but in this book, at least I knew I wasn't the character... but I digress,) who is going on holiday to Jamaica. (It's always some "exotic" location or other.)

He is really hoping that his little sister will stay out of his way, as when he arrived in Jamaica he found a torn-out corner of a map on the docks near their rental cabins. It seems there is a rare breed of eels living in a cove somewhere near there. The bad guys (there are ALWAYS "bad guys",) are trying to kill all the eels for their skins, to make drums with.

It's up to YOU to STOP this senseless slaughter!!!!!!!!!

You are faced with many choices on your way to the end. Unfortunately, most of those choices lead to your capture by the bad guys and the death of not just yourself, but the eels you have vowed to protect!

Early on in the book, you are faced with the choice of letting your little sister in on the secrets of the map. If you don't let her help, then when the bad guys discover that you know about the map, you DIE!!!!!!

If you let her help you, she actually finds the next fragment of the map, which is a bit of a bummer, but at least you now know where to find the eels!

(After dying several times, and flipping back to where you were in the book before you died, you finally come to the pre-climax of the story.)

Then there is a fast-paced chase scene, (there is always a fast-paced chase scene,) with you and your little sister trying to rescue the baby eels (the bad guys have killed most of the adult eels, of course,) in a rowboat, and move them to another cove, where the bad guys won't be able to find them. The rowboat is fast filling with water... the bad guys are in a sleek, killer motorboat, bought with the spoils they received from killing the adult eels and selling the drums - probably to mudcatters. They discover the baby eels are missing, and the chase is on!

The last spectacular decision involves trying to find someplace to hide the baby eels where the bad guys won't think to look. Your sister suggests that you stick them where the sun doesn't shine. She meant the cave you found in the next cove over, but...

Quite a fascinating book. Too bad you die so many times, though.
