Amazing ain't it? I dunno' how I run across the stuff.......sometimes I get things from 'Catters of good taste who may love a site but wouldn't post it or use it.........but they know Ol' Spaw will do anything (no real porn though).Other times, I'm looking for one thing and the search engines pick up on some weirdass site that just cracks me up. Bill D. has a ton of wacky sites too. The entire site that the Art Frahm stuff is on is really a riot. I love the way the guy writes.
Funny too, but I actually remember being a kid back home and going into the upholstery and repair shop in the furniture store where my grandfather worked and seeing thos Art Frahm calendars.......Very daring in the 50's and for a small town ten year old....WOW!!!! Now I look at that stuff and am both amazed at how far we've come and what effect the '60's had while at the same time being saddened by that loss of innocense which is so obvious by comparison............**sigh**............