The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34513   Message #466241
Posted By: Gervase
19-May-01 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK footpaths, a modest proposal
Subject: UK footpaths, a modest proposal
Non-music, I know (although, of course, there's this), but I for one am getting hacked off with the failure of local authorities in the UK to re-open footpaths now that movement restrictions have been lifted in the FMD epidemic.
I know it's no coincidence that those authorities who are most tardy in doing so are those with a high proportion of farmers and landowners as councillors, so how about ordinary walking folk doing something about it?
Would it be preposterous to have a mass trespass, as happened on Kinder Scout, so that we can once again reclaim our paths and byways? If enough people simply ignored the closure notices in those areas where there is and has not been any FMD, what better way of showing that we've had enough of the quasi-feudal nature of so much in rural politics in the UK? I know it's short notice, but what about the Whitsun weekend for a pleasant walk in the country? I'm not suggesting that we walk as individuals, exposing ourselves to intimidation and possible arrest, but enough people in a few places in some of the most offending counties - Bucks, Berks and Lincs spring to mind - may have some effect.
The Rambler s' Association was formed in the aftermath of the first mass trespass; today it seems to be merely asking members to ask their local councils to re-open the footpaths and otherwise stick to urban walks. Pah!
I'm firing off a stack of e-mails to various letters pages and lobby groups (I'll keep you posted as to feedback), but if we all started getting stroppy, maybe something would happen. If any 'Catters are keen walkers, I'd appreciate their views.