The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34457   Message #466916
Posted By: thosp
20-May-01 - 03:41 PM
Thread Name: Bomba the Jungle Boy - ARCHIVE!!!
Subject: RE: Bomba the Jungle Boy - ARCHIVE!!!
honestly Lil Hawk --- where have you been!!! don't you know that New York City has been plauged with elephants for quite awhile now --- in fact "The Mayors" office has issued a phamplet entitled "how to catch an elephant" and they have been sent to every mailbox in the city ---- this has become a source of concern for local enviromentailsts --as the method used is the phamplet is considered by them to be cruel and unusual -- but i have used the method myself and found it to be quite effective -- and although i consider myself to be an enviromentalist - i certainly don't want any elephants on my block!!! -- if you (or any other 'catter) have an epidemic of elephants in your area - let me know and i will be happy to tell you the method used in "The Mayors" booklet

peace (Y) thosp