The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34560   Message #467190
Posted By: Jande
21-May-01 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: Universal buys
Subject: RE: BS: Semi. Universal buys
I'm feeling a lot of indecision around this, too. Since kept changing the rules after I signed up for the premium service, I have lost about $10 a month instead of earning anything, but with more plays and downloads of my music than ever.

I can't afford that. I really don't believe that money makes the world go round, either. I believe it is relationship/community that does that. If I do have something that people want I hope they will support me enough that I can continue to give it to them. If they don't want it... well... ::shrugs::

If the Big Business Money Machine is taking over then I want out. I'm flesh and blood. I don't want to get ground up in the machine.

Right now it's pretty tough coming to a decision about all this.

~ Jande