The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34619   Message #467919
Posted By: Mrrzy
22-May-01 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: Songs about stuttering / stammering
Subject: Stammered and stuttered pathetically
Actually seeking more stuttering/stammering songs, the above being a shortened quote from Man Piaba. I know the stuttering lovers. What else is there, and is the difference between stammering and stuttering, pathetically or not, a geographical one only? That is, in my reading experience, US=stutter and UK=stammer, but I've also heard Americans distinguish initial-sound trouble from within-the-sentence-sound trouble, so that saying cacacacacarpe diem is stuttering, while carpe um um um um diem is stammering. My dictionary doesn't give me a satisfying answer... what do you all say? Also for the Canadians among us, it's begayer, right, whether you stutter or stammer? Un bègue is a stutterer?