The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34562   Message #468491
Posted By: SeanM
23-May-01 - 04:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Discarded first drafts
Subject: RE: BS: Discarded first drafts
"Oh they're moving father's grave
Because he isn't dead and decided to get cremated after we paid for this bloody expensive crypt"

"There's a neat little still at the base of the hill
With a drunk pissing into the stream nearby..."

"Where have you been all day, Henry me son?"
"I've been stuck under a semi..."

"You load sixteen tons, and what do you get?
A nice fat payraise on your next paycheck"

"'Twas a Friday Morn, when we set sail
And we were not far from the land,
When the captain he espied the port we sailed for
So he we should prepare to sell our cargo and then buy more"

How DID some of these ideas ever get missed? The Dylan ones almost made me spray my glass of water...