The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34686   Message #469058
Posted By: Murray MacLeod
23-May-01 - 07:18 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Bob's Birthday, premature request
Subject: Bob's Birthday, premature request
To help commemorate the 60th birthday of America's National Poet tomorrow, I would like it if somebody could post the lyrics to a brilliant parody of "Blowing in the Wind" which I heard on our local South Florida Folk Prog. Last Saturday. Performed by the "Chenille Sisters" (?) Somebody must know it, maybe it's even in the DT. Very feminist song, you would never catch Clinton Hammond singing it, but VERRY funny.

If nobody coughs up, I will phone WLRN and post them myself, but this is much easier .......


click here for requested lyrics